Sunday Reflections – 4

Sunday Reflection: 26 March 2017

Divine Freedomw

Sunday Reflection: 19 March 2017

Lent is a time of spiritual surrender and devotion.
The windows of the heart are wide open.
The mind focuses in deep gratitude on the gift we have received.
Freedom, freedom, freedom…

Sunday Reflection: 12 March 2017
An inspiring passage from the bookHope
Healing Our People & Earth
Dr. Jude Currivan

‘It’s time to re-member who we really are.
That means re-membering the hidden heritage of our human family and healing the traumas of our past that we continue to embody and play out in fear-based behaviour. And in doing so, we will perceive the potential of our cosmic destiny and ultimately real-ize and embody the wholeness of our divine selves and experience the oneness of the Cosmos.’

What an amazing thought to ‘embody the wholeness of our divine selves and experience the oneness of the Cosmos’.
Happy reflections, happy re-membering, happy awakening!
Wishing you all a wonder-full Sunday.

Sunday Reflection: 5 March 2017

In the Light of My Dream by Charlotte Common

In the light of my dream
I come alive,
Opening all the gates
That once held me back.

In the light of my dream
I become who I am meant to be.
Bliss is the golden road
I walk, run, leap and dance.

In the light of my dream
Where body, mind and soul are one,
I am free
The world is free

Sunday Reflection: 25 February 2017

One God by Charlotte Common

A baby is born,
Another bright light
blesses the world.

Receiving the gift of life
Tiny boys and girls, each one of them
Inherit the beauty of One God.

At the same time
Innocent children are burdened
with the drama of generations.

And so children grow up
Learning to separate
Skin colour, religions, tribes of fellow humans.

Children learn by hearing
Adults speak
of hatred and betrayal.

Meanwhile the loving sun
Warms all in the same way,
Never ignoring anyone.

One God loves all,
creating life,
healing in the midst of chaos.

One God, One God
There is only One God
Love, One Love…

Sunday Reflection: 19 February 2017
The Magic Frangipane and the Shy Coconut by Charlotte Common
‘…Follow your dreams, Maya, follow your dreams, listen to your heart…
Maya paused and began to listen, not to the outside world, but to her heart…
and as she heard the drum of her heartbeat her feet followed the rhythm.
How often do we allow ourselves to listen to our heartbeat and let our feet follow the rhythm?
Sunday Reflection: 12 February 2017
Valentines Day – Time to love ourselves by living our truth more than never before!
And then…the love we have for ourselves, for others and the universe will be even more wonder-full and… it will create more and more magic.
Sunday Reflection: 5 February 2017
The Universal Power Within
by Charlotte Common
Dreams long to be born,
manifested, lived, enjoyed,
one by one, all of them,
dreams are the language of God
speaking through our souls.
How can I deny the universal power
of love, life, peace and potential within me?
No, I cannot block this precious energy
flowing through my blood.
I dance like the waves of the ocean,
playful, playful at the shores of life,
embracing magical dreams,
loving them into being.