November 2011, not sure which day it was. It does not matter. The main thing is that it was one of the best days of my life. As a child I was very interested in music. In my imagination I conducted orchestras, danced like a ballerina, sang classical and modern music on my own stage in the world. Nobody saw or heard me perform in the musical of my dreams apart from the universe.
Many years later I ‘danced’ with my horse Gigolo, training for dressage competitions to music. Even more years later I joined a Rock Choir in England and finally began to sing on stage. One day the musical director gave us all an incredible gift, a trip to London to the famous Abbey Road Studios to record a CD.
I have never been as old as today and have never felt as alive.
— Charlotte Common

I will never forget the moment when I entered one of the recoding studios. Surrounded by microphones tears rolled down my face. I suddenly felt so at home. The dream of my childhood had come true. We all had the most amazing day and none of us wanted it to stop. It was a day of a life time. Since that day I have never stopped dreaming, visualizing the life I would like to lead and so I keep on singing the song I am meant to sing.