Newsletter – In the Land of Light

Paradise of the soul - header Dec 2016w

When my children were young I used to tell them the same German bedtime story over and over again during Christmas time. My kids loved this story and could not listen to it often enough. It was a story of a little curious angel who had fallen out of the sky trying to look down on to earth, leaning over too far.

This is a very cute story. The nosy angel lands in the cold snow and cries for help. Luckily St. Nikolaus hears the angel’s cry and rescues it.


Many years later now thinking about the story I wonder whether the angel was leaning over too far attracted by the light of the world or trying to spot the universal light.
Although the media highlight the darkness of our world I believe that there is an enormous amount of light shining brightly to illuminate individual hearts open to receive it.
How come, you might ask, that so much darkness creeps into a world, which was created to be a Land of Light? Perhaps one explanation could be the human ability to create, entertain and even feed a life of illusions. It seems to be easier and less frightening to ignore the truth. However, in the long run an illusion will never bring happiness and peace as it creates darkness and fear.
To live in darkness and fear is a choice. To explore the truth within our hearts and connect with our inner divine light is a choice too.
Christmas is a time of celebrating this divine light within us. We are God’s dream. We are the gifts to the world, to each other. And perhaps as we unwrap gifts and light candles we can unwrap something very new and magical within our souls. And…as we light a candle remember that we ourselves can illuminate our own souls creating together The Land of Light.


God Dreams
by Charlotte Common

God dreams dreams,
beautiful, powerful dreams.
I make room in my soul.

Although I have no idea
how they could possibly unfold.
These dreams give my soul wings.

I surrender by loving the dreams…
all the new experiences
God longs to live through me.

God dreams dreams
Of a beautiful world
One Land, the Land of Light.

Sending you warmth from my soul to yours.

Have a wonder-full, magical, sparkling Christmas and the most beautiful New Year full of healing love, surprises and adventures in The Land of Light.


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