Looking back, I realize that my curiosity about life was tickled in those days. It is clear to me also that my ability to write magical stories comes from those moments as a child imagining what was behind the closed doors.
Our greatest ideas come to us in silence and solitude, where the whisper of intuition can only be discerned above the shout of intellect and the raucousness of reason.
Author Unknown
At the back of the house was a big garden and a pond with water lilies. The whole family gathered there when it was warm. I learnt a lot of lessons on that lawn under a big tree near the pond. I discovered early on that if you did something well others envied you. If you had done something wrong everyone pointed the finger at you. Although the summer air was warm life felt somewhat frosty.
I loved the water lilies, sometimes I wanted to be one. Those beautiful floating flowers…today I understand. I learnt to be silent in those days too afraid to be me. Although I often cried inside I still smiled. It took me many years to unlearn habits that denied the expression of my unique soul. In fact, two failed marriages served the purpose of learning to speak out and fully embrace who I am. The truth set me free.
When my mother died, I found a letter which my father had written to her. He wrote ‘Charlotte is as always running around in the garden, active as ever’. Something inside of me made me run, climb trees, look at the world from above. No wonder, I was preparing for my future. I am an explorer, author, sportswoman…
Sitting up in a tree I used to dream of the tower. Many, many years later in 2013 I wrote the magical mystery story The Boy with the Golden Plaster, an adventure that begins in the tower as the heavy key turns and the door opens.
On the journey to becoming who I am today I had to open many locked doors within. Today I design happiness starting as soon as I get up. I also teach others how to live by design and create life giving experiences and wonder-full memories.
The tower of my dreams? I have so many dreams. My biggest dream, however, is to keep on unlocking doors so that humanity can celebrate the evolution of a new world.
When we recognise and utilise our special gifts and talents,
grace and inspiration is ours to behold.
Author unknown
Sending you warmth from my soul to yours
Your Happiness Designer