In a few days, a New Year begins. 2017 is graciously making room for 2018. This gives us the opportunity to open an imaginary new book with unspoilt pages. As Champagne flows and fireworks light up the sky there will surely be a moment for utter silence within where we can connect with ourselves and others in a new constructive way.
We have the power and wisdom to create a new world starting in the first seconds of 2018 by giving ourselves divine luxurious love. Only when we love and respect ourselves can we let love flow like Champagne. Honouring that each human being is part of a grand universal design of love will light up our souls in the most magnificent colours flooding the planet with a new life giving energy.
Love is an irresistible desire
To be irresistibly desired.
Robert Frost
Travelling with all of you through 2017 has inspired me to learn more and love more. When the clock strikes midnight and the New Year begins, I shall pause and send all of you, luxurious love. May 2018 be the turning point for many to experience life in new dimensions as we draw closer and closer in freedom, love and peace.
Sending you warmth from my soul to yours
Your Happiness Designer