Trying to find love in relationships wrapped in denial
is like searching for oranges on an apple tree.
Charlotte Common
In response to my previous Nourishment for the Soul publication with the title He Loves Me – She Loves Me Not, I received the link to a very interesting and thought provoking article. In his article ‘What if the purpose of love is to get us out of relationships, not into them?’ Christopher Mims shares his own thoughts after attending a lecture by Melvin Konner, a biological anthropologist.

Christopher Mims’ ideas confirmed to me that it seems necessary to think about romantic relationships from a wider angle. Recently I listened to an excellent and heart-warming interview series called The Man Panel hosted by Michelle Marchant Johnson. During these interviews authors, psychologists and coaches opened their hearts to the listeners in a courageous way. These men talked about their fears, desires, their ability to feel deeply. Some described how they searched and searched and searched to find the woman who could provide peace and fulfilment to still the inner hunger for love. These honest accounts were moving.
I am sure we have all been present at gatherings, where women complain that men are womanizers. After all I have learnt through listening to men I personally feel that this issue of blaming men needs to be looked at again from a different angle.
Among other things what makes us human is our ability to feel and express our feelings. Isn’t it time to look at so called womanizers with compassion. Are these men not searching for love wearing blinkers obstructing the view to their own souls?
I believe that it is time for men and women to communicate in a far more open and honest way. The tears of a hurting man are just as real and precious as the tears of a woman or a child.
I must admit that I was once a woman who cracked jokes about womanizers, was annoyed about them. Today I apologize to men for my ignorance. I only saw the behaviour. I didn’t have the knowledge then to go much deeper to the soul level.
And for the men of this world I encourage and applaud them to face vital truth, embrace any needs and deep desires for love, … and follow the true North Star.
Every truth lived lights up this planet a little more and a little more. A world enriched by happy men and women is a wonder-full world.

Sending you warmth from my soul to yours
Your Happiness Designer